Once you have drafted your KM tool or technique, you should test it with users or gather feedback from stakeholders, refine it, and then retest and review again.
Iterative design recognizes that it is virtually impossible to design a product with no problems from the start.
There are various ways to get feedback on your KM tools and techniques including:
- Card sorting (participants organize topics into categories that make sense to them)
- Focus groups (participants discuss their experiences and perspectives with a moderator)
- Heuristic evaluation (usability experts review how well an interface performs against established usability guidelines)
- In-depth interviews (individuals with knowledge or expertise in a topic of interest provide in-depth information about needs, priorities, and preferences)
- Surveys (participants complete a structured questionnaire about their information needs and experiences)
- Usability testing (representative users complete typical tasks on an interface while a facilitator watches and listens)
Learn more about iterative design and the methods to gather feedback on KM tools and techniques.
Download an exercise that assists with developing usability testing scenarios.