1. Virtual Helpdesk
  2. Knowledge Management
  3. Disseminating, Monitoring, and Evaluating KM Interventions

How do you monitor a KM intervention?

Monitoring a KM intervention involves tracking the progress of the activity, and adapting it, when necessary.


It is important to monitor your activities and processes to track what is occurring, compared with what you had initially planned to accomplish. Pairing this type of monitoring data—which can come from a number of sources, such as routine records, web analytics, and surveys—with other KM tools and techniques, such as after-action reviews, can help to uncover what is going well and what is not going well, and can foster discussions about what changes might be needed to keep the initiative on track to achieve program deliverables and outcomes. Reviewing routine data ensures that you and your team are learning during implementation and applying that learning to improve your work.

There are three main categories of indicators that can be used to monitor KM tools and techniques:

  1. Reach - breadth (how far out), saturation (how deep)
  2. Engagement - interactions between users, interactions between the user and the knowledge
  3. Usefulness - satisfaction (relevance to the user), quality (accurate, authoritative, objective, current)

Learn more about monitoring KM in global health programs.